Shirataki rice and porang rice are currently on the rise because they are considered healthier than other types of rice. However, on the other hand, there are still many people who are misguided and think that the two rices are the same. In fact, both are made from different plants, you know.

Shirataki can be found in various forms, from rice, noodles, tofu, snacks, to traditional medicines. Not much different, porang which is said to be similar to shirataki can also be found in the form of rice, flour and chips.

The Difference between Shirataki Rice and Porang Rice
At first glance, shirataki rice and porang rice do look the same. Both have a color that tends to be clear white with a chewy texture after boiling and a slightly bland taste. Even though they look the same, shirataki rice and porang rice are made from different plants.

Shirataki rice is processed from the root of the konjac or konjac plant with the Latin name Amorphophallus konjac. Konjac is a native plant from Japan which is currently also grown in many other countries, such as China and several countries in Southeast Asia.

Meanwhile, porang rice is made from the root of the porang plant which has the Latin name Amorphophallus muelleri blume. This plant is native to Indonesia and grows a lot in the forests of the island of Java.

Konjac and porang plants are root crops. Both belong to the same plant species, namely Amorphophallus, and still belong to the Aracea family.

So, in conclusion, shirataki rice and porang rice are made from plants belonging to the same family, but different species.

Benefits of Shirataki Rice and Porang Rice
Shirataki rice and porang rice have benefits that are not much different. Both are considered healthier than other types of rice and are often relied upon to help you lose weight.

Shirataki rice and porang rice contain high glucomannan, which is a natural fiber that can be found in plant roots. In porang plants, glucomannan levels are classified as very high, reaching 65%. Meanwhile, the konjac plant contains only 44% glucomannan.

In addition to high fiber content, both types of rice are low in calories and cholesterol. Glucomannan can also reduce levels of the hormone ghrelin which is responsible for regulating hunger.

Decreased hormone levels can reduce appetite. Thanks to these nutrients, shirataki rice and porang rice are suitable for consumption by someone who wants to lose weight.

These two rices are also a good choice for consumption by people with diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol because they do not have side effects that can exacerbate the disease.

In addition, other benefits that can be obtained from consuming shirataki rice and porang rice are that they can help overcome constipation and are believed to accelerate wound healing and even reduce the risk of cancer.

Now, you already know the difference between shirataki rice and porang rice, right? Both have good nutritional value, so it’s safe to eat it every day as a substitute for rice.

To be healthier, also make sure that each of your food menus contains other important nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and minerals.

If you are confused about choosing the type of rice you want to consume, especially if you have certain health conditions, you can consult your doctor first.
