DBD Health Promotion

Health promotion activities are part of government programs under the coordination of the Ministry of Health, especially the Directorate of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment. There are health promotion officers stationed in each puskesmas as a health service institution that interacts directly with the community level.

Health promotion officers can be an important element of the health movement campaign carried out by the government. This is because the health promotion officer is a person who interacts directly at the community level and knows conditions in the field as part of the puskesmas institution.

The health program or movement launched by the government is an effort to improve the quality of public health. Some movements such as the Healthy Living Community Movement or Clean and Healthy Behavior can become successful movements with the support of health promotion.

The main goal of health promotion is to provide information that at a further level can trigger public awareness about the program or movement being launched by the government. The Directorate of Health Promotion is the part that specifically oversees all health promotion or health promotion activities aimed at the wider community.

Main Goals of Health Promotion
All health promotion activities have the aim of providing information to the public regarding all matters aimed at improving the quality of health; both individual and public health.

The Directorate of Health Promotion has the main task of preparing and carrying out health promotion activities and disseminating all forms of health information as well as developing health resources to carry out community empowerment activities in the health sector.

In short, health promotion officers are the mouthpiece of the government, in this case the Ministry of Health, to convey all kinds of information related to health with the aim of empowering the community and developing health-related resources.
