Jamblang fruit may still be rarely consumed, even though the benefits that can be provided are so diverse. This fruit that looks like grapes is known to be able to prevent various diseases, such as heart disease and osteoporosis.

Jamblang fruit is also known as Javanese plum, jamun, or jambolan. This fruit grows a lot in tropical countries, including Indonesia. Even so, jamblang fruit is rarely found.

The jamblang fruit is dark purple like grapes, it’s just that the seed size is bigger. This fruit is often used as a medicinal plant because of its abundant antioxidant content.

Various Benefits of Jamblang Fruit for Health
Apart from antioxidants, jamblang fruit also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, zinc, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. It is this variety of ingredients that makes jamblang fruit have many health benefits.

Some of the benefits that can be obtained by eating jamblang include:

1. Brighten the skin
Consumption of jamblang fruit is believed to lighten the skin. This is because the content of vitamin C in jamun fruit can help the formation of collagen in the body.

Collagen itself is a protein that the body needs to keep the skin moist. When moisture is maintained, skin health is maintained and looks more radiant.

2. Relieves coughs and colds
The benefits of vitamin C in jamblang fruit are not only to brighten the skin, but also relieve coughs and colds. This benefit is also obtained from the zinc content in it. Both of these ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Vitamin C and zinc can also boost the immune system, so they can relieve cough and cold symptoms quickly.

3. Prevent infection
Jamun fruit also contains various compounds that are antibacterial, such as tannins, malic acid, and gallic acid. Regularly consuming jamun fruit is known to be able to inhibit the growth of bacteria that can cause infection in the body.

4. Prevent osteoporosis and porous teeth
The next benefit of jamun fruit is preventing osteoporosis and porous teeth. This cannot be separated from the various important mineral contents in it, such as calcium and phosphorus, which are the main components in maintaining and improving the health of bones and teeth.

5. Prevent heart disease
Jamblang fruit can also improve heart health. This is because jamun fruit contains potassium which plays an important role in maintaining the rhythm of the heartbeat, so that the heart can beat normally.

Not only that, the potassium content in jamblang fruit can also prevent high blood pressure. This condition is known to increase the risk of various serious diseases, such as stroke and heart disease.

6. Prevent high blood sugar
Jamblang fruit contains very little sugar and carbohydrates. This fruit also includes fruit with a low glycemic index. That is, jamun fruit does not increase blood sugar drastically after consumption. This fruit can also be consumed by people with prediabetes and diabetes.

7. Reducing the risk of getting cancer
Jamblang fruit is known to be rich in antioxidants which act as protectors of body cells in warding off the dangers of free radicals. One type of antioxidant contained in this fruit is cyanidin. These ingredients are known to reduce the risk of colon cancer.

To get the various benefits of jamblang fruit, you can consume it in various ways, from eating it directly to processing it into juice, jam or sweets.

However, you need to remember, even though consuming jamun fruit has various health benefits, further research is still needed to confirm its effect in treating certain diseases.

So, if you want to consume jamblang fruit to treat certain health conditions, you should consult your doctor first.

Last updated: June 3, 2023
Reviewed by: dr. Airindya Bella
